Basic Furlough Approach
STEP 1: Business Case: Identify where work has stopped, diminished and identify the roles impacted by this. (Confirm this is due to Coronavirus) Consider would they be laid off/made redundant
STEP 2: Determine if any selection process is required and use recommended selection criteria. (If number of people involved in the same role and a limited number still required to work). Ensure no discrimination
STEP 3: Hold Video Conference/Calls with affected teams to inform them of the rationale, proposal to Furlough and approach
STEP 4: Notify individuals in writing of proposal to Furlough, with request for their consent. (Require 24 hours’ notice to sign up as a minimum)
STEP 5: Review individuals that have not given consent, contact to ensure they understand the implications.
STEP 6: Collate consent forms
STEP 7: Submit requests to Gov and commence Furlough period.
Posted on 04/02/2020 by Ortolan