Implementation of a single County Court - Founding of a new national entity
On 22 April 2014 the geographical jurisdictional boundaries between the County Courts disappears and a single County Court is established.
At the moment, each County Court is a separate entity and County Court Judges are restricted by geographical boundaries as to which courts they may sit in. The Crime and Courts Act 2013 creates a single County Court which will be established on 22 April 2014. It will be a national entity with national jurisdiction.
There will, of course, be some consequential amendments. References to specific County Courts will now become reference to a specific “County Court hearing centre”. Claimants may still issue proceedings in their local County Court hearing centre (or, indeed, any County Court hearing centre of their choosing). If the proceedings would formerly have been transferred to the Defendant’s Home Court they will now be “sent” as an administrative procedure (rather than judicially transferred) to the local hearing centre for where the Defendant resides or carries on business. Judges will no longer be restricted by geographical boundaries and will be able to sit in any part of the country.
The establishment of the single County Court brings the County Court in line with the High Court which is a single entity (albeit with three Divisions and numerous District Registries).
Posted on 04/27/2014 by Ortolan