Mandatory ACAS Pre-Claim Conciliation
Mandatory conciliation is another attempt by government to reduce the number of claims actually brought into the Tribunal. The scheme which aims to work alongside the introduction of Tribunal fees (which has succeeded in reducing the number of claims) is a pre-claim conciliation run by ACAS. This will be introduced from 6 April 2014. Claimants will be required to lodge details of their proposed Employment Tribunal claim with ACAS. ACAS will then offer the parties pre-claim conciliation with an ACAS conciliation officer for one month. If either party refuses the conciliation, the conciliation fails or the conciliation period expires, ACAS will issue the Claimant with a certificate to that effect which will allow the Claimant to present their claim at Tribunal. The majority of employment rights are covered by the early conciliation process. Pre-claim conciliation will not apply if the Claimant is seeking reinstatement or re-engagement.
Posted on 03/18/2014 by Ortolan